Preparing Your Roof for Spring Weather in Sun Bay South

Feb 7, 2024Blog, spring roof maintenance, spring roof prep, Sun Bay South


Spring is right around the corner in Sun Bay South, and as you start the process of spring cleaning and beautifying your yard, you should take time to check how your roof handled the winter. Winter months can be hard on your home and if your roof has endured any type of damage it could lead to even greater problems in the spring. Now is the perfect time to make sure your home is ready for a beautiful spring. There are things that you, as a homeowner, can do to ensure your roof is prepared for the spring and summer storms ahead.


spring roof prep, spring roof maintenance

Check And Clean Gutters

It’s important to maintain clean and clear gutters on your home. Clear out any debris that has gathered in them over the winter months. You should also check the walls around your gutters and under the eaves for water stains or spots. This could be a sign that your gutters are not allowing water to flow freely to the ground.

Check Your Attic

Scanning the attic is an easy task you can do on your own. Inspect the underside of the roof deck and rafters in your attic for water stains, black marks, or mold, and check the insulation in your attic for mildew. Finding mold or mildew could indicate that your roof leaks.

Trim Your Trees

Spring is a good time to inspect the trees around your house for branches that are weak or broken. Any limbs that are at risk of falling onto your roof should be removed to avoid damage to your roof. Now that you’ve done this, you could also consider contacting a professional roofing contractor for a thorough inspection. For safety reasons, it’s not recommended that a homeowner gets on the roof. Leave that to the professionals. When your roofing contractor arrives, they are going to:


spring roof prep

Examine The Shingles

Inspect your roof for shingles that look loose, cracked, curling, or missing. Depending on what they find, you might need to have some work done. It is best to let a qualified roofer make any repairs to prevent costly damage or even more extensive repairs in the future.

Look For Signs Of Water Damage

Roofs are vulnerable to ice dams during the winter. Some of the damages may be visible and at other times they could be difficult to spot. This is why having a professional inspect your roof once or twice a year is incredibly important. It’s possible you wouldn’t find any concerning signs but the substrate layer of the roof or the roofing deck may have significant damage. Ice dams can lead to rotting of the underlayment, it can also damage the insulation. Any of these issues can cause potential leaks that would cause havoc during rain.

For your peace of mind and to avoid possible expensive future maintenance issues, calling an experienced roofer to perform a full roof inspection and maintenance is a good idea. If Mother Nature has damaged your roof, take a look at your homeowner’s insurance policy, some policies may cover the costs of repair. Contact Heaven Sent Roofing today to help put a spring in your roof’s step!


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